Love Family, Friends, Camping, Traveling, Crocheting, and way too much to mention here!

Love Family, Friends, Camping, Traveling, Crocheting, and way too much to mention here!
Love Family, Friends, Camping, Traveling, Crocheting, and way too much to mention here!

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Snowflakes, snowflakes, snowflakes and some web browsing finds!

After giving away a few dozen snowflakes for Christmas gifts I just received a couple orders for a dozen each so busy with them this week.

I have a few patterns that didn't print out a picture with them so for some insane reason I decided to crochet those today so I could take a pic and attach them to the patterns.  Big mistake!  They take longer without a visual because you can't just look and kind of know what they mean in the directions.  Also, 1 pattern had a mistake at the very beginning of a round so had to tear the round out and start again and figure out for myself what was needed to start the round.

The first one I just fudged the last row just to get a snowflake out of it.  Not happy with it but I will try again another time when I am not feeling so rushed.  I forgot to take a pic of the messed up one but forgot.  :(
this is the one from the pattern that had a mistake.  I don't know if it is worth re-writing the pattern with the row(s) fixed or not.  

 The 4 patterns above are from a website with quite a few
snowflake patterns .

 Some of the snowflakes that got included in the snowflakes I sold.

 This is a button that I did while trying to create a snowflake button of my own.  I got the idea from Vicki Clarke.  
this is Vicki Clarke's which after trying to make a snowflake and ending up with a flower I realized you need a 2-hole button to make 6 points.
But I like my flower.

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